Online Coaching (Global option)
Our on line communication coaching services are delivered through platforms such as zoom and skype. Group sessions are typically offered once a week for 2 to 3 hours. These dynamic environments bring learner together in an interactive environment that allows everyone to help each other come across at their very best.
These days we are all expected to have an online presence. Youtube, facebook live as well as teleconferencing have become the norm. Our online coaching is designed to get you “on the air” as a credible expert, thought leader, service provider and educator.
We can and do collaborate and team teach with professionals from other fields when specialization particular to one industry is required.
Online Group vs Private
Your decision whether to get involved in group sessions or private coaching depends on your needs, your intentions and your timeline.
Group sessions
For instance, if your aim is to explore the medium, get your feet wet, as it were, then a group class might be perfect for you. You will learn and be challenged with others, to present yourself through the medium of video, craft a message and story that is authentically you, and present an opportunity based on your expertise.
You will typically create 3 to 5 minute videos during the course ( 5 to 8 weeks) which you will be able to use on your own site immediately. In preparation for this you will practice presenting skills, scripting, storytelling and gain a basic understanding of the technology involved. You will practice getting clear sound, adequate lighting and setting the stage, so that your message has credibility in the eyes of your viewers.
Private sessions
The difference between group and private is that in private the attention is 100% on you and what you are presenting. Depending on your past experience (beginner, intermediate or professional presenter) we create a plan based on your desired outcomes. This will determine the number of online coaching sessions and what we do in each one. You can have everything from a fully comprehensive “make-over”, as it were, which includes content development, scripting, rehearsal, delivery, coaching on wardrobe, setting etc. or we simply provide you with the outside directorial eye that ensures that you are authentic, trustworthy, watchable and contactable.
You can always request a free 20 consultation to help you decide which options work for your particular needs.
Live Coaching (Face to Face)
There is nothing like the electricity in the room when a presenter is passionate, has knowledge, is engaging and actionable. People who know how to stand and deliver are seen as leaders, their opinions are sought after. Typically they command higher salaries, and are invited regularly to speak at events. Public speaking is the fastest way to generate clients, and leads, when you inspire, empower and entertain.
Live Group vs Private
Group sessions
These sessions are available for existing groups, whether, professors in Universities who care about their effectiveness in the lecture hall, entrepreneurs who have offerings to share, scientists and inventors who need to explain their breakthroughs to get more funding, government staff who must present to Mayor and council, and of course artists who want to touch their audiences.
Group workshops vary from 1/2 day, to full day, to multiple days depending on desired outcomes. Individuals in the group get to practice in front of the group, receive feedback and do it again. Rehearsal technique is taught and encouraged. This is particularly vital with groups who work together, who need to be on the same page with their info, yet each person develops his or her own unique style.
Private coaching
When you need confidentiality, when you have a big deadline coming up, when the stakes are high, when you need to be protective of your content, then private coaching might be right for you.
In the private setting we have the time to shape your message and delivery in detail and get it ready for the big launch from short talks to key-notes.
If you are presenting:
a TED talk,
marketing message at a convention,
sharing research at a seminar or conference
an inspiring message at a rally or gathering
and you have an exact amount of time you are given, you cannot leave anything to chance, and you have to leave them wanting more. We prepare so that you are calm, focussed, spontaneous and alive.
A free consultation will give you clarity around time, expectations and fees.